Volumetric Concrete: A Revolution in Construction
Volumetric concrete is a mobile batching plant that allows on-site mixing of concrete. Unlike traditional ready-mix concrete, where the concrete is pre-mixed and transported to the construction site, volumetric concrete mixers carry the raw materials separately and mix them on-site as needed.
What is agricultural concrete?
What is agricultural concrete and how does it differ from other concrete?
Things to consider when laying foundations
Guide to the most important factors to be aware of when preparing and laying concrete foundations.
Laying a concrete base for a garden building
Advice for measuring, preparing and laying a concrete base for a garden building.
How to prepare for a concrete garage base
A step by step guide to preparing for the laying of a concrete garage base.
Pouring concrete in cold weather
Extra care must be taken when pouring concrete in cold weather. Find what you need to know to avoid potential pitfalls.
What is a concrete pump?
What is a Line pump? Line pumps are typically mounted to a truck or trailer and have steel or flexible hoses attached to them that carry the concrete to the pump site itself.
The history of concrete – a timeline through the ages
Cement and concrete has existed for thousands of years. Find out which concrete type mixes existed in ancient times and how it developed to the ready-mix we use today.
The Best Concrete and Brutalist Architecture in Brighton and Sussex
Whilst larger cities tend to be home to a greater number of examples of Brutalist Architecture, Sussex has its fair share to divide opinions.